Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ray Base Vector Construction

Parametric Ray Equation:
R(t) = e + (s-e).t
For this we require s and e
e = camera position
s = image plane pixel center
1. camera position
2. camera view direction
3. Distance between eye and image plane
4. Direction of camera or image plane center
Eye Coordinate System:
In Coding we can built it using following code:

SbVec3f Camera::calculateN(){
 n = direction * (-1);
 return n;
SbVec3f Camera::calculateU(){
 SbVec3f V = getViewUp();
 SbVec3f normal = calculateN();
 u = V.cross(normal);
 return u;
SbVec3f Camera::calculateV(){
 v = n.cross(u);
 return v;
In above code we know the direction in which camera is looking so for calculating n vector we just need to reverse the direction which can be done by multiplying it with -1.
SbVec3f is data type in coin3d which help you to define vectors.
To normalize a vector we have predefined method for vector algebra in C++ normalize()
Next thing we need to construct Image Plane which I explain in my next post

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