Thursday, January 8, 2015

Intoduction to Ray Tracing

This Blog will help you to understand how to create cool images using "Ray Tracer" using Coin 3D and C++ and Open Inventor.
For rendering the images I prefer to use two software, download links are Irfan View   OR GIMP
Content that I will be discussing is:
1. Ray Construction
2. Ray Sphere Intersection
3. Ray Box Intersection
4. Hard and Soft Shadows
5. Reflection
6. Refraction
7. Depth of Field
8. Applying Texture to images
and list will expand as it goes on
In this blog I also help people about how to write code for ray tracer in C++. I'll post some code snippets created by me for reference. I'll also post some hot topics and advancements in Computer Graphics.

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