Thursday, January 8, 2015

Setup your Coin3d in VS2008

Step 1. Download windows version of Coin3d
Step 2. Unzip it.
Step 3. Go to Coin3d\build\msvc8.
Step 4. Open Coin3d.sln with your Visual Studio 2008
Step 5. Built a solution
Step 6. It may give error because you didn't have doxygen software (Error: 1 failed 3 succeeded something like that)
Step 7. You will get coin3d.dll or coin3d.lib file
Step 8. Make a new project, click on properties->Configuration properties-> C/C++->preprocessor
Step 9. In Preprocessor properties write COIN_NOT_DLL
Step 10. click on properties->Configuration properties->C/C++->general->additional include directories -> give the path of include folder in coin3d and include folder in coin3d\msvc8
Step11. click on properties->Configuration properties->linker->input->additional dependencies->type coin3d.lib or coin3d.dll which ever is created for you
And you are done!
If you need visual demonstration, please write a comment

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